Wage and Fringe Benefits Comparability Survey
Each Head Start program conducts a wage and fringe benefits survey every three years to use to evaluate and improve compensation. The VHSA directors decided to launch a statewide survey in 2015. The seven Head Start programs and their community partners like schools and social service agencies, received an invitation to participate in a web survey. The Vermont Head Start Association Wage and Fringe Benefits Comparability Report released in September 2015 and updated in February 2016 includes the results of the survey. The Vermont Head Start State Collaboration Office funded this statewide study.
National Reports
The Office of Head Start submit reports to Congress on various topics including: the Monitoring System and the Designation Renewal System, pursuant to the Head Start Act. See a full list of Reports to Congress on the ECLKC website.
The Head Start Advantage was highlighted in the National Head Start Association August 22, 2016 press release, which noted the following recent studies:
- The Brooking Institution’s Hamilton Project, The Long-term Impact of the Head Start Program and
- The Georgetown University Center for Research on Children in the United States, The Effects of Tulsa’s CAP Head Start Program on Middle School Academic Outcomes and Progress .
“These two new studies add to a robust body of research that shows The Head Start Advantage is significant and meaningful,” said National Head Start Association Executive Director Yasmina Vinci. “The Hamilton Project study is a terrific national affirmation of the long-term, positive effects of Head Start, and Tulsa’s CAP program is a case study in how local design and flexibility allows communities to tailor programs and maximize, long-term positive effects.
State Reports
The Vermont Head Start State Collaboration Office is another source for Vermont specific reports.
- Download the report on the Status of Head Start Pre-Kindergarten Partnerships in Vermont and Nationally. This report provides a context for policymakers, practitioners, and the public at-large interested in understanding partnerships between Head Start grantees and state-funded pre-k programs in Vermont and nationally.
- The VHSSCO conducts an annual needs assessment of Head Start and Early Head Start grantees to learn how to better support them as they coordinate, collaborate, and align services, curricula, assessments, and standards with their State, regional, and local public and private partners for the benefit of young children and families. Please go to the recent reports for details: