VHSA board members
The director of each of the seven Head Start programs is a VHSA Board Member. One representative and one alternate from the Vermont Head Start Collaboration Office (VHSCO) is also a voting VHSA Board Member.
The VHSA Board Members and the organization they represent are:
- Christy Swenson, Chair, Capstone Community Action
- Debra Gass, Treasurer, Early Education Services
- Rebecca Bishop Ware, Member, Bennington County Head Start
- Nancy Powers, Member, Northeast Kingdom Community Action Agency
- Sandra Graves, Member, Champlain Valley Head Start
- Donna Barrow, Member, Rutland County Head Start
- Lori Canfield, Member, Southeastern Vermont Community Action Agency
- Renee Kelly, Member, Vermont Head Start Collaboration Office
- Paul Behrman, Friend Member
- Betsy Rathbun-Gunn, Friend Member
VHSA collects annual dues from each Head Start program and VHSCO. The funds support operations of the Vermont Head Start Association.
VHSA hires a lobbying firm to support education, outreach, and advocacy at the State Legislature each year. For several years there has been a focus on universal prekindergarten. The VHSA mission guides this effort to promote high quality, comprehensive, early education, and child care programs for young children and their families. The Secretary of State Elections Division Lobbying maintains information about employer lobbying activities.