Commitment to Success in School and Lifelong Learning
Head Start and Early Head Start promotes school readiness of young children from low-income families through local community agencies. Head Start programs support the mental, social, and emotional development of children from age 3 to 5. Early Head Start is designed to serve pregnant mothers and newborns and toddlers until they turn 3.
School readiness includes providing children and their families with health, nutrition, social, and other services, responsive to each child and families ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage. Families are engaged in their children’s learning and development in the early years to support the lifelong success of their child. Head Start recognizes that parents are their children’s primary teachers and advocates.
Commitment to Healthy Children and Families
Head Start embraces a comprehensive vision of health for children, families, and staff. Head start programs nationwide collaborate with families, staff, and health professionals in order to meet the health and developmental needs for all children. A child’s basic health needs and their parent’s concerns are addressed through access to care and resources.
ent to Parents, Families and Communities
Head Start provides parents with opportunities and support for personal growth, so that they can identify their own strengths, needs and interests, and find their own solutions. The objective of Family Partnerships is to support parents to identify and meet their own goals, nurture the development of their children in the context of their family and culture, and advocate for communities that are supportive of children and families of all cultures. The building of trusting, collaborative relationships between parents and staff allows them to share with and to learn from one another.