Why partnerships are important to VHSA.
The Vermont Head Start Association knows that partnerships are essential to providing high quality, comprehensive services for children and families.
When children and families have what they need, they’re more likely to thrive.
Head Start programs provide services directly as well as through partnerships with other agencies. Head Start collaborates with local, state, regional, and national organizations to better serve children and families. Each child and family come to Head Start with their own story, strengths, and potential.
Some of Head Start’s key partners are described below. Click each link for more information and how VHSA works with them.
Office of Head Start (OHS)
The Office of Head Start (OHS) manages grant funding and oversees local agencies providing Head Start services. OHS is located within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). ACF is a division of the U.S Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). ACF promotes the economic and social well-being of children, families, individuals and communities with leadership and resources for compassionate, effective delivery of human services.
Vermont Head Start Collaboration Office (VHSCO) – Vermont Agency of Human Services
The Vermont Head Start Collaboration Office (VHSCO) is funded by the Office of Head Start and is located within the Child Development Division, Department of Children and Families, Agency of Human Services. The VHSCO helps Head Start and Early Head Start programs work and partner with State and local organizations to develop, implement, and improve policies and practices that benefit young children and their families.
Vermont Agency of Human Services (AHS)
The Agency of Human Service (AHS), Department for Children and Families (DCF) works with Head Start and other community partners to support the healthy development, safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency of Vermonters. The Child Development Division (CDD), within DCF, works to increase access to high-quality by licensing and inspecting child care programs, rating the quality of child care programs, providing eligible families child care financial aid, and coordinating child and family services such as early intervention and specialized child care for children with disabilities.
Vermont Agency of Education (AOE)
All Vermont Head Start programs offer Vermont’s Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) program. The Agency of Education (AOE) and the Vermont Agency of Human Services jointly oversee UPK. Head Start programs report child enrollment and other child data to the AOE’s State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS).
National Head Start Association (NHSA)
National Head Start Association’s (NHSA) vision is to lead – to be the untiring voice that will not be quiet until every vulnerable child is served with the Head Start model of support for the whole child, the family and the community – and to advocate – to work diligently for policy and institutional changes that ensure all vulnerable children and families have what they need to succeed. NHSA’s mission is to inspire and support the Head Start field as a leader in early childhood development and education.
New England Head Start Association (NEHSA)
New England Head Start Association’s (NEHSA) mission is dedicated to uniting and supporting New England Head Start Programs as leaders in early education.
Other partners
There are other partners in Vermont that work to influence high quality early childhood education and care. A common goal among these partners is to promote professional development and the health and safety of children. Most support changes to improve wages for the early childhood field and subsidies for families to afford childcare. In Vermont, these other partners include:
- Children’s Integrated Services (CIS)
- Parent Child Care Network (PCC)
- Let’s Grow Kids (LGK)
- Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC)
- Building Bright Futures (BBF) – VT’s Early Childhood State Council and Regional Councils
- Vermont Early Childhood Alliance
- Vermont Department of Health, and for more about Children, Youth and Families